Saturday, September 11, 2010

risotto with cannelini beans and kale

Risotto is not as difficult as its reputation would suggest — in terms of technique it's actually one of the easiest things to make. In terms of commitment, not so much: for good risotto, you really do need to stir so frequently that you can't leave the stove.

Once you get down the basics, you can add most anything to it: roasted mushrooms and leeks with a little Parmigiano-Reggiano, or English peas and ramps with fresh herbs, are two combinations I like. This particular version is crisp and fresh, with a mere sprinkle of cheese and the nice bitterness of the kale  cutting through the buttery flavors of the rice, beans and broth. Plus, it reheats well — a lot less gummy than very cheesy risottos tend to get.

- Put about 4-5 cups of chicken broth in a saucepan on medium-low heat, so it'll be warm by the time you need it.
- Tear up the kale until each piece is roughly the size of a spinach leaf. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large saute pan , and toss in kale, stirring so all pieces are covered. Stir occasionally so kale doesn't scorch, cooking 4-5 minutes until wilted. Turn off heat and set aside.
- Melt 2 tablespoons of butter on medium-high heat in large stock pot. Add 1/2 a yellow onion, roughly chopped, and toss until coated. Cook 2-3 minutes, until soft but not browned.
- Add arborio rice (about 3 cups works with these proportions) and toss with butter and onion. Toast slightly, about 3 minutes.
- Add 1/2 cup dry white wine and cook until almost evaporated.
- Add 1 cup of the chicken broth and turn the heat to high/medium-high. Simmer, stirring constantly, until broth is completely absorbed. Repeat, 1/2 cup of broth at a time, until all the broth is used.
- Take off heat, add beans, kale, 2 tablespoons of pecorino cheese, black pepper. Stir it all together and serve.

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